xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Banjenjunga Friends


Thanks to Barry and Marian Carter for all their help getting this recorded, and for playing and putting up with me. They have a great duet called Inish. Wellington, New Zealand is lucky to have them now, and many in Salt Lake City, Utah lament their recent relocation. Check out their music at Barry's site.

Barry and Marian used to play in Crighkey with Dan Lutton, Deborah Wrathall, and I. We made a recording, The Five Legged Table, you can get it at The Crighkey Page. Playing festivals and such was great fun, I've missed the Crighkey folks since I've moved to Arizona.

Chris Miles did the art for the cover. Actually he did the art first, then was so good as to let me use it for the cover. The name Adjustments was his for the painting, but it seemed to fit, as this CD took me so long to get finished. He has some incredibly cool pictures (and some for sale including reasonably priced prints) at Chris's site.

I also owe a huge thanks to Jay Barnhurst, who plays gutiar on Adjustments. Without intention, Jay gave me the motivation to write much of the music on the album, as we really clicked musically and it is such a pleasure to jam with him. For a while Jay and I played with Tyson Costello in a band called Quagmire, whose name doesn't seem quite so amusing these days as it did back in the late '90s.